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Moral of the Movie - Review

You Were Never Really Here (2018)

Drama/Mystery, Directed by Lynne Ramsay | Rating: Memorable One-Night Stand | Published: Sept. 2, 2022, 10:56 a.m.


Violence isn’t everything it’s set out to be in fun action movies. In reality, it’s deeply traumatic and much more meticulous, raw, and heart-wrenching than often portrayed in mass media. Also, the burden of trauma is often best handled when you find solace in the idea that you’re not alone and that you don’t have to carry the burden on your own; instead, you can share it.


This movie is essentially Taken (2008)’s artsy cousin. So, if you are interested in a more niche, artsy, and emotional take (less action-oriented) on the premise of rescuing children from abductors, then you will really like You Were Never Really Here.


Joaquin Phoenix never fails to deliver incredible performances. Most know him from his most recent Oscar-winning performance as the eponymous protagonist in Joker (2020). However, his less recognized performances like the on in this film are just as good and deserve just as much attention. In addition to the great leading and supporting performances, Ramsay’s debut as a director is quite impressive. From the cinematography to the score, the film is purposefully built to highlight the protagonist’s isolation and trauma. You Were Never Really Here is about a traumatized veteran, unafraid of violence, who tracks down missing girls for a living. The premise is one that most Hollywood films would take on through a very action-oriented approach, but what makes this film stand out is that the action is secondary. Instead, the focus is everything that is a consequence of the action/violence. You get to see the meticulous preparation for violence, the trauma of violent memories, and the harrowing aftermath of the action among others. As such, this film is very artsy, so (like most indie/arthouse films) it’s not quite catered for mainstream audiences. If any of the aforementioned details appeal to you, however, then you will surely get a heart-wrenching cinematic experience worth remembering. The film has a lot to say about trauma, depression, and suicidal thoughts, but its handling of finding solace in company resonated with me the most. The film excruciatingly shows that carrying the burden of your own trauma by yourself can be quite destructive. That’s why therapy can be so effective in real life as you manifest those feelings and share the trauma you experience. The film offers a similar solution to trauma by providing consolation in the fact that you’re not alone in going through these sorts of trauma, so you shouldn’t go through it alone. That way, you save each other from your respective traumas and move forward. With this in mind, You Were Never Really Here (2018) will provide a deeply emotional cinematic experience to a typically emotionless, action-oriented premise that is led by an incredible leading performance from Joaquin Phoenix and a stellar directing debut from Lynne Ramsay.

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