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Moral of the Movie - Review

The Farewell (2019)

Drama/Comedy, Directed by Lulu Wang | Rating: Marriage Material | Published: Sept. 2, 2022, 9:44 a.m.


“Life is not about WHAT you do, it’s about HOW you do it.” The Farewell highlights the cultural differences between how the U.S. and China deal with death.


Fans of movies that feel as real as a documentary and depict real-life as it is without holding anything back. Particularly, fans of movies based on a true story that will deeply touch you on a very emotional level.


Having had my first experience of grief just last year, this movie resonated with me on a very personal and deeply emotional level. The Farewell shows documentary-like look into the beginning of the grieving process as a family is told that their matriarch (the paternal grandmother) only has a few weeks to live. It shows life for the tragicomedy that it is, especially in these sort of trying times. The blend of heart-wrenching tragedy and deeply touching comedy make The Farewell stand out. What also sets this movie apart from the movies that I’ve seen covering the theme of death is the way that it highlights the cultural differences between the American and Chinese way of dealing with grief and death. I saw the merit and flaws in both approaches. Nevertheless, the film is universally accessible and relatable because if there’s one thing that is guaranteed to be relatable for us all, it’s the fear of our own death and of those we care about, right? The more I think about the film’s message, the more it resonates with me. One of the reasons that this movie feels so real is because it’s the real-life story of its writer-director, Lulu Wang, who actually went through this whole experience herself with her own grandmother. In fact, her grandmother’s sister plays herself in the film. Also adding to the sense of reality are the moments of exceptional cinematography that amplify the emotions being felt at that point in the film. Lastly, the performances are as real as they get. Awkwafina did a great job at the forefront of it all, but all the supporting actors did a phenomenal job as well in helping ground the film as much as possible. Overall, The Farewell is an exceptionally realistic film that shows life (and death) for what it is without holding back on the things that make it both tragic and comedic.

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