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Moral of the Movie - Review

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (2018)

Animated Action-Adventure, Directed by Peter Ramsey, Rodney Rothman, & Bob Persichetti | Rating: Marriage Material | Published: Sept. 2, 2022, 9:23 a.m.


One of the producers, Christopher Miller, said it better than I ever could: “It doesn’t matter where you’re from, who you are, or what walk of life you came from, we all can be a hero and you’re not alone.” In addition to that, this film offers a uniquely entertaining perspective of how diversity can be a super-power against evil; everyone has a unique perspective and something to offer to help improve their communities.


Anyone and everyone… More specifically though, people who are hopeful of the diverse, everyday heroes that we encounter on our daily lives and can see themselves eventually become one.


I loved everything about this movie. It is definitely one of the most unique cinematic experiences of this century. The visuals are amazing as they draw (not literally) the audience into its comic book world, but what’s even more amazing is the fact that each hero in the film has their own animation style. This further strengthens the film’s message about diversity and how unique each and every one of us can be. There’s also a lot more that can be read into this film with how the classic Peter Parker figuratively passes the mantle to Miles Morales (a half-Black, half-Puerto Rican teenager from Brooklyn). I interpreted as a metaphor of how the stereotypical superhero started off as a white male but has now transcended boundaries to include all sorts of backgrounds and communities in this diverse day and age. Lastly, this film has it all for everyone: action, comedy (John Mulaney and Nicholas Cage are hilarious), drama, plot twists, MUSIC! The movie’s score/soundtrack is as diverse as its cast of characters and drives the emotions (#feels) of the film. This film is yet another example of how animated movies can be for everyone and should not be disregarded as “just for kids.” Overall, Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is supremely enjoyable and is a prime example of how animation can be used to deliver an incredible cinematic experience with the full range of emotions for any viewer.

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