Rating Scale
A Unique Rating Scale. "Good" is relative.
      The ratings format for Moral of the Movie Reviews is a little different... I believe that grading films with stars, letter grades, and percentages implies a certain level of objectivity in film quality that I simply do not believe in. One of the most beautiful aspects of art and film is that no matter how good or bad you believe a film to be, there will always be someone who thinks the opposite. Now, that doesn't make either of you wrong. It's simply a matter of personal preference. There is nothing objective about reviewing films, TV shows, video games, and other forms of storytelling. Instead, I believe films are like a romantic partner or a relationship; some will appeal more than others, but it mostly depends on the person. Films are like suitors in that they can be a perfect match, good for a night, or not worth your time at all. As such, I've developed this custom "rating" system that is good for judging a film's suitability for my tastes rather than deeming its quality. As you'll see, I've also taken the relationship analogy to great lengths, so the rating hierarchy will have a very obvious theme. Below, you may find the system with details explaining each rating:

#1: Soulmates
This is for my favorite movies of all time that have had some sort of lasting impact on me that I will remember forever. This will be strictly reserved for the few films that give me chills every time I watch them and always give me something to think about and learn.

#2: Marriage Material
This is for the movies that I think are pretty good and definitely worth several rewatches. these are the types of films that I can take something out of each viewing and resonate with me on a personal level.

#3: Friends With Benefits
This is for the movies that are worth a few rewatches here and there for a good time. These types of movies are the ones thatt can be personal and relatable enough for a guaranteed enjoyable experience more often than not.

#4: Memorable One-Night Stand
This is forr the movies that are good but only really worth watching once. You'll think about it here and there every once in a while about how it's a good movie, but you'll never go out of your way to watchh it again. These types of movies are still good enough to be worth the time of watching it and hearing out its message.

#5: Forgettable One-Night Stand
This is for the movies that are alright or meh but may be worth once (depending on mood) just to check it out for yourself. However, you probably won't get much out of it or remember much of it after the one time you watch it.

#6: Left Swipe
This is for the movies that are simply not even worth watching once. If you're really interested in watching one of these, a Wikipedia read of its plot may be a better use of your time and save you the remaining hour or so. These often have little to say with little relevance in their messages.

Ps. I have to credit Jeremy Jahns for the inspiration to use my own criteria for rating films rather than the traditional star reviews or whatever. He uses his own criteria, which I highly encourage you to check out.