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Moral of the Movie - Review

Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)

Romantic/Comedy, Directed by Mike Newell | Rating: Memorable One-Night Stand | Published: Sept. 2, 2022, 10:34 a.m.


Marriage is meant for true love as cheesy as it sounds and should be a commitment that isn’t taken lightly but rather seriously and wholeheartedly.


This is a rom-com made for those looking for a half and half blend of romance and comedy in a movie; in other words, fans of the Richard Curtis line of romantic-comedies (ie. Notting Hill, Love Actually, About Time, Bridget Jones’ Diary, etc.). Additionally, this is going to be especially popular with fans of situational humor like The Office, Mr. Bean, etc.


Tonight, we’re bringing it back with a classic feel-good rom-com. Four Weddings and a Funeral was the world’s introduction to both Richard Curtis (legendary rom-com writer) and Hugh Grant (world-renowned actor). Despite being made for a relatively low budget, the film was a huge success going on to become the UK’s highest grossing film ever at the time in addition to garnering Oscar nominations including Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay. This just goes to show the potential that feel-good rom-coms have, but most of the ones being made nowadays don’t even reach half of that potential. So, let’s talk about how this one does. The first thought that comes to mind is how this movie successfully builds up the characters as realistically as possible. You start to feel for them and understand where they’re coming from, which then makes you feel like you’re friends with them. You laugh with them. You mourn with them. As a result, the hysterical moments in the film don’t quite feel gratuitous or obnoxious because they all make sense within the established context of the characters’ personalities and the situations they’re in. That’s what makes this film a particularly successful comedy because we’re always in on the joke and feel like a part of the friend group that is at the center stage of the film. So, if you’re looking for a movie that will make you laugh until your stomach and your cheeks hurt, then you will surely find that in Four Weddings and a Funeral. Additionally, it is worth mentioning that this movie isn’t just a comedy; it has the romantic part of rom-com too with a few dramatic moments sprinkled here and there. For the same reasons mentioned above, these other elements are also particularly effective in the film. In terms of the film’s message, there is clear commentary and critique of the way people got married at the time. Whether it be for money, boredom, status, etc., marriage had lost its significance in the public perspective. The film criticizes this attitude of marrying all willy-nilly and instead emphasizes the need for friendship and serious consideration for what is meant to be a serious lifelong commitment. The story also showcases how you don’t necessarily need to be married to have a “successful” life or romance, which is rather grim for a romantic movie if you think about it. Nevertheless, the movie makes a point of how important friends and family can be in enriching your life as shown by the dynamic within the movie’s central friend group. In the end, Four Weddings and a Funeral will offer you a look into the early careers of legendary writer-actor duo Richard Curtis and Hugh Grant as well as provide a very empathic story about marriage and friendship.

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