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Moral of the Movie - Review

Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020)

Comedy, Directed by David Dobkin | Rating: Forgettable One-Night Stand | Published: Sept. 2, 2022, 9:42 a.m.


Never quit on your dreams, do your best, and keep on believing in yourself even when you're the only one who does.


Anyone looking to spend two hours without having to think at all and be entertained with Will Ferrell’s classic antics as well as some surprisingly good music.


This movie is exactly what you expect it to be: outrageous, full of spectacles, funny (for those like me that laugh easily), and musical. There’s nothing unpredictable about this movie and if you accept that early on, then you will have a lot more fun with it. Will Ferrell is known for his hysterical antics and delivers the classic comedy as per usual that may or may not tickle your funny bone. What I got out of this movie was a look into something that, as a non-European, I had only ever heard about but never entirely understood: Eurovision Song Contest. After watching this movie, I spent a while googling everything I could about the contest, finding new music from it, and watching videos from the real-life contest. So, in that regard, the movie was a success. I was hooked on the contest (mainly because of the movie’s music and musical spectacles) that this movie is based/set on and expanded its reach to mainstream audiences outside of Europe. Overall, if you want an easy laugh and a musical spectacle, Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga might be worth a watch, but you probably won’t remember much about it in a few days/weeks.

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