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Moral of the Movie - Review

About Time (2013)

Romantic/Comedy/Drama, Directed by Richhard Curtis | Rating: Friends with Benefits | Published: Sept. 2, 2022, 11:02 a.m.


Life can go by you pretty quickly when you’re constantly focusing on the future or the past. There will be times in life that you have no control over what happens (some good and some not so good) and that’s okay. Life is what you make of it, so choose to make the most of it by living in the present.


Groundhog Day (1993) + Any Richard Curtis Movie (Love Actually, Notting Hill, Four Weddings and a Funeral, etc.) = About Time (2013). General fans of romantic comedies will definitely enjoy this movie, but this movie is made for those looking for a rom-com full of deep life lessons and heartfelt performances.


About Time (2013) is the latest of the Curtis-directed/written movies that I’ve reviewed in this page. Yet, this is the film that stands out the most in Curtis’ filmography. Not because of the romance or the comedy but because of the sheer amount of heart and profound commentary. About Time has the elements of a typical romantic movie but adds a few other elements into the mix such as the inclusion of time-travel that make for a very original take on the genre. Fair warning though: the film is best experienced when you just go with the flow of the movie’s logic and don’t really think too deeply about the potential plot holes from the time traveling. Once you do that, you will have a much more enjoyable experience with this story where romance and comedy are the main protagonists but the real star is the life lessons. This is the type of movie that makes writing these reviews easy because there’s so much to discuss in terms of morals and lessons that we can apply to our own lives. First, we get the lesson that, like with most things in life, the timing of finding love has a lot to do with luck, so never lose your faith in fate and keep hoping that the next one will be the one. Second, there are some things/people in life that will never change and/or can’t be fixed not even if you have the ability to travel back in time. Third and lastly, the best way to live your life is to live in the moment, cherish your loved ones for every moment that you’re with them, and not get hung up on the past or the future. These were the main morals that I gathered from About Time and that resonated with me the most. Now, none of these lessons would have been conveyed as well if it weren’t for the great writing/directing on Curtis’ part as well as the heartfelt performances by Rachel McAdams and Domhnall Gleeson. All in all, About Time tells a fantasy love story with lessons that we can all learn from and apply to how we all live our lives on a daily basis and it is only effective in conveying those messages because of the stellar writing, directing, and acting.

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